Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Mixing my first henna

Yesterday I started mixing my own henna for the first time properly.
I bought this henna powder from ebay a couple of weeks ago, it came from Jerusalem so it took a while to arrive. I don't know yet really about the quality, and I'm not sure why exactly I chose that one, but I did!
The recipe I used was a variant of the Henna Caravan KISS recipe. I used mainly lavender oil, but some eucalyptus and bergamot because that's what I had.
I left the mix on the radiator for 24 hours and then put it in a cone this evening and have done the following design:

Now, It's definitely not one of my best ones but it's a start! I had a few problems with it and these are the things I would definitely do next time:
  • Sift the henna - this batch had bits of branch and leaf in it which I didn't notice when mixing but made it a complete bugger to get out of the cone!
  • Use castor or icing sugar - I only had granulated and I think using that made it a bit more difficult to pipe it. 
  • Not make it quite so runny - while it was a lot easier on my hands, it blobbed! 
I'm going to try some different types of henna powder, and try sifting the stuff I've got and will hopefully be able to make something slightly better next time and will update this with the results!


Thursday, 12 September 2013

New t-shirts and bags

Hello dear people who live in the internet.
I have been making things today!
After a brief episode of body-gone-crazy-not-work, I got around to doing some printing, making some fabric paint ink pads, and reinforcing the stamps I had already made.
The fruits of my labour look a little like this:

As you can see, there are two distinct styles: patchwork geometric and floral.
I think they're pretty gorgeous. All the t-shirts are made to order, so you can choose what colour and size you'd like, and the bags are ready to ship. 
AND they're available on my shop! It's all very exciting.

I'm knackered so I'm going to leave it there. Hope you're well.
Over and out.

My hands are still this mucky even after a good scrub!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Matilda, Spookies and Beading

I've been very very lazy over the last week because I have been so ridiculously tired. First I was crashed out from festivals, then I had to deal with sorting my health and social care budget which I'm not going to go into here because I will get even more stressed, and then the rather lovely JT came to visit me... and I kicked him out of the house because I was too stressed to want to socialise, but while he was out I did make him this:

So I'm not a COMPLETELY horrible girlfriend.

We also went out on Thursday to celebrate having known each other for a year and I was taken to see Matilda! I bloody loved it. I love the story, and I love musicals, and I loved the combination. It was pretty awesome. I completely and utterly crashed out after that though until Sunday because on Sunday, something else special was happening.

Those of you who know me will know I LOVE The Spooky Men's Chorale. Probably a bit too much, it begins to get worrying. I have seen them more times than I can count, and that's not just because I've got a poor memory. Seriously amazing group. I love them. ANYWAY, that isn't the point of this. The point of this is to say that Sunday was their "post penultimate" gig of the UK tour, and so, as per tradition, there was a gig in Union Chapel, Islington, and so I went, and I didn't get in 'til 2am. But it was awesome, I had an awesome time, I had awesome shooters, listened to some awesome music and sat around and soaked up each other's awesomeness. (I hope someone gets that reference!)

Therefore, I am very very tired. I think yesterday was Monday but I didn't really see any of it.
I've sat around today in between tidying trying to do some beading but it's not gone well. Mainly because I'm not following a pattern but hoping. It's kind of coming out looking like colourful blobs but I'll get there!

I have also had an exciting delivery of some bags made from recycled plastic which I am/will be printing on, so keep your eyes peeled for some new stock in my shop.
Anyway, I should have been having a housing review 15 minutes ago so I'm going to stop typing now, and go and sit uncomfortably waiting in the other room until they arrive.
I'm out.

P.S. Please enjoy this picture of why I love the Oxford Comma

Monday, 2 September 2013

My new line of clothing...

I've had another productive day today!
I've put some glitter on my henna:

I think it looks pretty swanky!

I then made some stamps:
(This is them stuck to the backing before I cut them out)

And what I'm most proud of today is this masterpiece:

A stamped printed t-shirt. 
Handmade stamps, hand printed, all t-shirts or jumpers or whatever will be completely unique!

I'm going to make some more stamps so I can do more fun things on clothing, but I'm pretty impressed with myself. What do you think?

Anyway, I'm going to sleep because I have a meeting with my social worker which stands to be stressful tomorrow!
Over and out.

I got a palace tent today!

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Exciting times with a new domain!

Hello there, good internet folk.
I am very excited to say that as of today, and for the next two years at least, I own www.colourfulcrafter.com!
It's been difficult to try to think of how to separate all the things I do because I like being silly when it comes to jewellery, art and workshops associated with those skills, but as my training specialism is in mental health, that approach can seem rather unprofessional. Therefore, I shall be hoping to set up three sites, all interlinked, and then carry on this blog here.

These three shall be:

  • Colourful Crafter (DONE!) - The shop selling my jewellery and hopefully prints of my artwork and some clothing. 
  • Janet Deci Bell - The main overview site where you can find information and links to everything I do from henna art to disability awareness training, including Colourful Crafter and the third site...
  • Janet Bell Training - My coaching and training site. I'm hoping to gain an advanced diploma in life coaching to go along with my training qualification so I can have a bit more empirical credibility to the courses I hope to offer.
I'm probably about half way through my other two sites, so depending on how much I decide I want to work (lots at the moment!), they could be up in the relatively short term.

In the mean time, I got bored with making websites and also it's not too practical to create websites while doing other things like sitting on a bus so I've been making these:

With many thanks to the lovely Fiona at FionaFiona for showing me how to make them and providing me with some beautiful beads to coordinate with my hair!

I've also made a business card (1 down, 2 to go!)
Any thoughts?

I'm probably rambling more than usual now because I'm really tired but can't go to sleep because I got a bit distracted earlier and did some henna on my foot and I don't want to go to sleep with it yet because my bed will get all mucky, so I shall end this post here.

Please check out my new site, www.colourfulcrafter.com, have a look at my facebook, take a snoop at my pinterest or etsy, or send me an email at my lovely new email address: janet@colourfulcrafter.com!

Night night!


This is the bugger keeping me awake!